​A Novel Approach...
There really is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to great ideas. We are not dotting the i's and crossing the t's here we are trying to capture the imagination.
Solid research and informed strategy obviously form the bedrock but as creatives we can also get caught up in the details. There is always a little bit of magic behind a big idea.
Digest the objectives, immerse yourself in the brief, soak up the facts but then park them and focus on creating a narrative that will take your audience on a journey from engaging with your content, believing your story and then buying into your brand. Not to get too woo-woo about it but if 'everything' was born out of chaos then maybe a little pinch of it isn't a bad idea.
Clients and Collaborations
The list is long and illustrious, if you make it to the end you win a prize.
That's Louis Armstrong , also blowing his own trumpet...
Brands I have helped...
Nike, Pepsi, Sony, British Airways, American Express, Ikea, Ford, Playstation, Ben And Jerry's, Carling, Land Rover, Mastercard (The Brits), Universal Pictures, Volvo, Jaffa Cakes, Tropicana, Stolichnaya, fcuk, Conde Nast, Loaded, Expedia, Barnados, Confused.com, The Face, BMW, Fila, The Olympics (IOC), Hewlett Packard, Dunlop Tyres, NHS, IHG, BP, Eurotunnel, MINI, Jaffa Cakes, Brylcreem, Manuka Doctor, Ben Sherman, Grolsch, Hula Hoops, Lynx, Andrex...